Talapus Chapter of the Order of the Arrow

Welcome to the Talapus Chapter of the Order of the Arrow serving Benton District of the Oregon Trail council.

If you are a new Order of the Arrow candidate, there are some forms that you can print out if you misplaced the ones you received at Camporee. These can all be found at http://talapus.letshelp.us/.

If you have any difficulties with these forms, let me know and I'll get them to you some other way.

We have two events in the near future. The first is on June 12th at Willamette Park in Corvallis at 7:00 until 8:30PM. We will have ice cream and frisbees. This event is open to the new candidates as well as our current chapter people, and allows for the candidates and their parents to find out more about the Order of the Arrow, and to meet the people involved. It also allows the current members to meet the candidates.

The second event is the first of the Ordeals. It is at Camp Baker on June 20th through 22nd. Look at the registration sheet for additional information. We typically try to arrange car pools so that we don't have everyone driving down to the summer camps. If you want to help drive, or want to make use of the car pool, please contact Dave Regan.

If you want additional information, you can contact Chuck Caster at 753-6264. He is our youth leader. You can also contact Dave Regan at 752-0351. He is the adult leader.

The rest of this page just gives some reference information that might be of interest.

Lodge NameTsisqan
Lodge Web Sitewww.tsisqan.org
Chapter Web Sitetalapus.letshelp.us
Chapter Chief (Benton district) Chuck Caster
Chapter Advisor (Benton district) Dave Regan
541-619-2296 (cell phone)
Lodge Chief (Oregon Trail Council) Javid Richman
Lodge Advisor (Oregon Trail Council) Jim Vitus
Chapter Events During the school year we typically have chapter meetings at the First United Methodist Church at 1165 NW Monroe from 7:00 to 8:30. Sometimes we meet elsewhere, and that's announced.
Lodge Events Spring Ordeal at Baker, June 20-22
Arrow Corp 5 Shasta-Trinity, July 12-19
Melakwa Ordeal, July 18-20
Section Conclave, September 5-7
Annual Meeting, September 19-21
Fall Ordeal at Baker, October 17-19
Workshop Weekend, February 27-March 1
Service Weekend, April 24-26
Email List There is a chapter email list. Please let me know your email address and you'll get announcements as people make them.